Go to Posts - Add New:
Post Details
1. Title
Self-explanatory; this text will be displayed in the page title area:
2. Permalink
Permalinks in WordPress = “permanent links.” Those are the permanent URLs of the blog posts and pages on your WordPress site. Use this to change the URL structure to a different one, either for SEO purposes or to avoid long URLs.
3. Categories
In short, categories are the most general method of grouping content on a WordPress site. A category symbolizes a topic or a group of topics that are connected to one another in some way. Sometimes, a post can belong to many categories at the same time.
In UiCore themes, categories are displayed as Post Info in both blog page and blog posts.
4. Tags
Tags are a great mechanism if you want to identify a piece of content by some specific keywords. Simply, pick a few words that describe a given post the best.
The main difference between categories and tags is the way you use them. In a way, categories are meant to indicate the genre of the post, so to speak. Tags, on the other hand, go much more in-depth and indicate the individual things that the post talks about. Therefore, you can – or are even expected to – use multiple tags with a single blog post.
Tags will be displayed on the bottom of your blog post, as Tag List:
5. Featured Image
The featured image will be displayed in post grid and post title (if enabled).
Featured image in post grid (blog page):
Featured image as post title background:
To enable featured image background for post title, go to Theme Options - Page Title and enable Featured Image as Background. This will overwrite the fixed image background you set for your website.
Post Content
There are two ways of adding content to your blog posts in UiCore themes:
1. Default (Gutenberg) editor. We recommend using this editor for posts as it's easier to use than Elementor and optimized for writing:
2. Elementor Page Builder. It's recommended you only use Elementor for design-heavy blog posts. Once you create your content using Elementor, there's no coming back to the default editor.
To create your content using Elementor, edit the post and click on Edit with Elementor button.